









对于一个实数x,令{x}=x-[x]. 记S=min⁡({x/8},{x/4}) dx,则[S]=______.

A polynomial P with integer coefficients is square-free if it is not expressible in the form P=Q² R, where Q and R are polynomials with integer coefficients and Q is not constant. For a positive integer n, let Pn be the set of polynomials of the form1+a1 x+a2 x²+⋯+an xnwith a1,a2,⋯,an∈{0,1}. Prove that there exists an integer N so that, for all integers n>N, more than 99% of the polynomials in Pn are square-free.【译】我们称整系数多项式P是无平方因子的,如果其不能表示为P=Q² R的形式,这里Q,R为整系数多项式且Q不为常数.对于正整数n,记Pn为如下 形式的多项式组成的集合:1+a1 x+a2 x²+⋯+an xn这里a1,a2,⋯,an∈{0,1}.证明:存在整数N,使得对任意的整数n≥N,Pn中超过99%的多项式都是无平方因子的.

Let BC be a fixed segment in the plane, and let A be a variable point in the plane not on the line BC. Distinct points X and Y are chosen on the rays (CA) ⃗ and (BA) ⃗, respectively, such that ∠CBX=∠YCB=∠BAC.Assume that the tangents to the circumcircle of ABC at B and C meet line XY at P and Q, respectively, such that the points X,P,Y, and Q are pairwise distinct and lie on the same side of BC. Let Ω1 be the circle through X and Y centred on BC. Similarly let Ω2 be the circle through Y and Q centred on BC. Prove that Ω1 and Ω2 intersect at two fixed points as A varies.【译】在同一平面内,BC为给定线段,动点A不在直线BC上. X和Y分别为射线(CA) ⃗,射线(BA) ⃗上不重合的两点,满足∠CBX=∠YCB=∠BAC.若三角形ABC外接圆在点B和C处的切线分别交直线XY于点P和点Q,点X,P,Y,Q不重合,且位于直线BC同侧.圆Ω1经过点X,P且圆心在BC上.类地,圆Ω2经过点Y,Q且圆心在BC上.证明:当点A运动时,圆Ω1和圆Ω2始终交于两定点.

Fix integers a and b greater than 1. For any positive integer n, let rn be the (non-negative) remainder that bn leaves upon division by an. Assume there exists a positive integer N such that rn<2n/n for all integers n≥N.Prove that a divides b.给定大于1的整数a和b.对任意的正整数n,记rn为bn除以an的非负余数.若存在正整数N,使得对任意的n≥N,都有rn<2n/n.证明:a整除b.

Given a positive integer n, a set S is n-admissible if①each element of S is an unordered triple of integers in {1,2,⋯,n},②|S|=n-2,and③for each 1≤k≤n-2 and each choice of k distinct A1,A2,⋯,Ak∈S,|A1∪A2∪⋯∪Ak |≥k+2Is it true that, for all n>3 and for each n-admissible set S, there exist pairwise distinct points P1,P2,⋯,Pn in the plane such that the angles of the triangle Pi Pj Pk are all less than 61° for any triple {i,j,k} in S?【译】给定正整数n,称集合S是n-可行,如果其满足以下条件:①S的每个元素都是{1,2,⋯,n}的三元子集;②|S|=n-2;③对任意的1≤k≤n-2和任意k个互不相同的A1,A2,⋯,Ak∈S,都有|A1∪A2∪⋯∪Ak |≥k+2判断以下命题是否为真:对所有n>3和所有的n-可行集合S,在平面内总存在n个互不相同的点P1,P2,⋯,Pn,使得对集合S中任意元素{i,j,k},三角形Pi Pj Pk的每个内角都小于61°.

Consider an odd prime p and a positive integer N<50p. Let a1,a2,⋯,aN be a list of positive integers less than p such that any specific value occurs at most 51/100 N times and a1,a2,⋯,aN is not divisible by p. Prove that there exists a permutation b1,b2,⋯,bN of the a_i such that, for all k=1,2,⋯,N, the sum b1+b2+⋯+bk is not divisible by p.【译】已知奇素数p和正整数N<50p.设a1,a2,⋯,aN是一些小于p的正整数,同一数值至多出现51/100 N次,且a1+a2+⋯+aN不能被p整除.证明:存在a_i的一个排列:b1,b2,⋯,bN,使得对任意的k=1,2,⋯,N,都有b1+b2+⋯+bk不能被p整除.

Let n be a positive integer. Initially, a bishop is placed in each square of the top row of a 2n×2n chessboard; those bishops are numbered from 1 to 2n ,from left to right. A jump is a simultaneous move made by all bishops such that the following conditions are satisfied:each bishop moves diagonally, in a straight line, some number of squares, andat the end of the jump, the bishops all stand in different squares of the same row.Find the total number of permutations σ of the numbers 1,2,⋯,2n with the following property: There exists a sequence of jumps such that all bishops end up on the bottom row arranged in the order σ(1),σ(2),⋯,σ(2n ), from left to right.【译】设n是正整数.最开始在一个2n×2n的方格棋盘上的第一行的每个小方格内均放置一枚“象”,这些“象”从左到右依次编号:1,2,⋯,2n.定义一次“跳跃”操作为同时移动所有的“象”并满足如下条件:每一枚“象”可沿对角线方向移动任意方格;在这次“跳跃”操作结束时,所有的“象”恰在同一行的不同方格.求满足下列条件的数1,2,⋯,2n的排列σ的总个数:存在一系列的“跳跃”操作,使得结束时所有的“象”都在棋盘的最后一行,并且从左到右编号依次为:σ(1),σ(2),⋯,σ(2n ).

设 {an} 是公比不为 1 的等比数列, a1 为 a2, a3 的等差中项.(1) 求 {an} 的公比;(2) 若 a1 = 1, 求数列 {nan} 的前 n 项和.

设 {an} 是等比数列, 且 a1 + a2 + a3 = 1, a2 + a3 + a4 = 2, 则 a6 + a7 + a8 =【 】

北京天坛的圆丘坛为古代祭天的场所, 分上、中、下三层, 上层中心有一块圆形石板 (称为天心石) , 环绕天 心石砌 9 块扇面形石板构成第一环, 向外每环依次增加 9 块, 下一层的第一环比上一层的最后一环多 9 块, 向外每 环依次也增加 9 块, 已知每层环数相同, 且下层比中层多 729 块, 则三层共有扇形面形石板 (不含天心石)【 】

记 Sn 为等比数列 {an} 的前 n 项和. 若 a5 − a3 = 12, a6 − a4 = 24, 则 Sn/an=【 】

记 Sn 为等差数列 {an} 的前 n 项和, 若 a1 = −2, a2 + a6 = 2, 则 S10 = ______.

设等比数列 {an} 满足 a1 + a2 = 4, a3 − a1 = 8.(1) 求 {an} 的通项公式;(2) 记 Sn 为数列 {log3an} 的前 n 项和. 若 Sm + Sm+1 = Sm+3, 求 m.

已知公比大于 1 的等比数列 {an} 满足 a2 + a4 = 20, a3 = 8.(1) 求 {an} 的通项公式;(2) 记 bm 为 {an} 在区间 (0, m] (m ∈ N∗) 中的项的个数, 求数列 {bm} 的前 100 项和 S100.

在等差数列 {an} 中, a1 = −9, a5 = −1. 记 Tn = a1a2 · · · an (n = 1, 2, · · · ), 则数列 {Tn}【 】

已知 {an} 是无穷数列. 给出两个性质:① 对于 {an} 中任意两项 ai, aj (i > j), 在 {an} 中都存在一项 am, 使得 =am;② 对于 {an} 中任意一项 an (n ⩾ 3), 在 {an} 中都存在两项 ak, al (k > l), 使得 an = .(I) 若 an = n (n = 1, 2, …), 判断数列 {an} 是否满足性质 ①, 说明理由;(II) 若 an = 2n−1 (n = 1, 2, · · · ), 判断数列 {an} 是否同时满足性质 ① 和性质 ②, 说明理由;(III) 若 {an} 是递增数列, 且同时满足性质 ① 和性质 ②, 证明: {an} 为等比数列.

已知数列 {an} 为不为零的等差数列, 且 a1 + a10 = a9, 则 (a1+a2+⋯+a9)/a10 =__________ .

已知有限数列 {an} 项数为 m, 若其满足: |a1 − a2| ⩽ |a1 − a3| ⩽ · · · ⩽ |a1 − am|, 则称数列 {an} 满足性质 P .(1) 判断数列 3, 2, 5, 1 和数列 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 是否具有性质 P ;(2) 已知 a1 = 1, 公比为 q 的等比数列, 项数为 10, 具有性质 P , 求 q 的取值范围;(3) 若 an 是 1, 2, 3, · · · , m (m ⩾ 4) 的一个排列, bk = ak+1 (k = 1, 2, 3 · · · , m − 1), 数列 {an}, {bn} 都具有性质 P , 求所有满足条件的 {an}.

已知数列 {an}, {bn}, {cn} 中, a1 = b1 = c1 = 1, cn+1 = an+1 − an, cn+1=bn/bn+2 ∙cn (n ∈ N∗).(I) 若数列 {bn} 为等比数列, 且公比 q > 0, 且 b1 + b2 = 6b3, 求 q 的值及数列 {an} 的通项公式;(II) 若数列 {bn} 为等差数列, 且公差 d > 0, 证明: c1 + c2 + … + cn < 1 +1/d , n ∈ N∗.


已知以AB为直径的半圆有一个内接正方形CDEF,其边长为1(如图).设AC=a,BC=b,作数列u1=a-b,u2=a2-ab+b2,u3=a3-a2b+ab2-b3,...uk=ak-ak-1b+ak-2b2-...+(-1)kbk;求证:un=un-1+un-2 (n≥3).

已知数列a1,a2,⋯an,⋯和数列b1,b2,⋯bn,⋯,其中a1=p,b1=q,an=pan-1,bn=qan-1+rbn-1 (n≥2)(p,q,r是已知常数,且q≠0,p>r>0).(1) 用p,q,r,n表示bn,并用数学归纳法加以证明;(2) 求.



设数列a1,a2,…,an,…的前n 项的和Sn与an的关系是Sn=-ban+1-1/(1+b)n ,其中b是与n无关的常数,且b≠1.(1) 求an与an-1的关系;(2) 写出用n和b表示an的表达式;(3) 当0<b<1时,求极限Sn .

