A man borrows $5000 at 4 percent compound interest, if the principal and interest are to be repaid by 10 equal instalments, find the amount of each instalment; having given 1g 1.04 =0.0170333 and lg675565=5.829667.
A man borrows $5000 at 4 percent compound interest, if the principal and interest are to be repaid by 10 equal instalments, find the amount of each instalment; having given 1g 1.04 =0.0170333 and lg675565=5.829667.
已知log5(x2+2x-2) = 0 , 2log5(x+2) - log5y + 1/2 = 0,求y的值.
已知y=loga(2-ax)在[0,1]上是x的减函数,则a的取值范围是【 】
若定义在区间(-1,0)内的函数f(x)=log2a(x+1))满足f(x)>0,则a的取值范围是【 】
若定义在区间(-1,0)内的函数f(x)=log2a(x+1)满足f(x)>0,则a的取值范围是【 】
已知a,b为实数,并且e<a<b,其中e是自然对数的底,证明 ab>ba.
设c,d,x为实数,c≠0,x为未知数.讨论方程 = -1在什么情况下有解.有解时求出它的解.
设对所有实数x,不等式x2log2 4(a+1)/a+2xlog2 2a/(a+1)+log2 (a+1)2/(4a2)>0恒成立,求a的取值范围.