Draw the graph of the equation (1) y = x³ - x² - x + 1.
Use the graph to locate the roots of the equation (2) x³ - x² - x + 1 = 0.
Check by solving the equation algebraically.
Draw the graph of the equation (1) y = x³ - x² - x + 1.
Use the graph to locate the roots of the equation (2) x³ - x² - x + 1 = 0.
Check by solving the equation algebraically.
已知f(x)=8+2x-x2,如果g(x)=f(2-x2),那么g(x)【 】
如果直线y=ax+2与直线y=3x-b关于关于直线y=x对称,那么【 】
设N*表示正整数集,求所有的函数f:N* → N*,使得对任意正整数x,y,均有f(f(x)+y)整除x+f(y).
如果奇函数f(x)在区间[3,7]上是增函数且最小值为5,那么f(x)在区间[-7,-3]上是【 】
根据函数单调性的定义,证明函数f(x)=-x3 + 1在(-∞,+∞)是减函数.
设函数f(x)=x2 + x + 1/2的定义域是[n,n+1]( n是自然数),那么f(x)的值域中共有______个整数.