Solve the following equation by taking the steps performed in srriving at Cardann formulas, but do not formulas themselves: x³ - 15x² - 33x +847= 0.
Solve the following equation by taking the steps performed in srriving at Cardann formulas, but do not formulas themselves: x³ - 15x² - 33x +847= 0.
Find the general term and the sum ofn terms of the series -3,-1,11,39,89,167.
Find the sum of n terms of the series whose nth term is 3(4n+4n²)-5n³.
Find the maximum value of (5+x)(2+x)/(1-x).
Find the maximum value of (7-x)4 (2+x)6 when x lies between 7 and 2.
Resolve (1+52x+30x2-24x3)/(3x2-x-1)2 into partial fractions.
Factor the following expressions:x(y - z)³ + y(z -x)³ + z(x - y)³
Factor the following expressions: a(b + c)² + b(c + a)² + c(a + b)² - 4abc
梨 10个柿8个较梨8个柿 10个少 30文,而梨柿各一个共钱 55 文,问梨柿每个价若干.
有甲、乙二书记,甲每写3页.乙能写4页,甲日写8点钟,10日之间已写 480页.问乙欲 15 日之力写完 720 页,每日须写几点钟.
设a∈R,函数f(x)=,若f(x)在区间(0,+∞)内恰好有6个零点,则a的取值范围是【 】
已知f(x)=8+2x-x2,如果g(x)=f(2-x2),那么g(x)【 】
如果直线y=ax+2与直线y=3x-b关于关于直线y=x对称,那么【 】
如果奇函数f(x)在区间[3,7]上是增函数且最小值为5,那么f(x)在区间[-7,-3]上是【 】
根据函数单调性的定义,证明函数f(x)=-x3 + 1在(-∞,+∞)是减函数.
如果函数f(x)=x2+bx+c对任意实数t都有f(2+t)=f(2-t),那么【 】
F(x)=(1+)f(x)(x≠0)是偶函数,且f(x)不恒等于零,则f(x)【 】
设f(x) = 4x - 2x + 1,则f-1(0) = ________。
定义在(-∞,+∞)上的任意函数f(x)都可以表示成一个奇函数g(x)和一个偶函数h(x)之和,如果 f(x)=lg(10x+1),x∈(-∞,+∞),那么【 】