试解方程式 a(x+y)= b(x - y) = xy
Twos tations,A and B on opposite side of a mountain, are both visible from a third station C. The distance AC=3m.CB=5m and the angle ACB=60°. Find the distance between A and B.
Find all the positive angles less than 360° which satisfy the equation:cos2x+cosx+1=0
Homologous sides of two similar polygons have the ratio of 5 to 9 , the sum of the areas is 212 sq. ft. Find the area of each figure.
If two circles tangent at C and a common exterior tangent touches the circles in A and B, the angle ACB is a right angle.
Find the sum of the geometical series -2,,-1/3 to 6 terms.
Find the sum of the arithmetical series 49,44,39,… to 17 terms.
A motion picture film 120 feet long contains a certain number of individual pictures.If each picture were 0.1 of an inch shorter, the same film would contain 720 more pictures, how long is each picture?
Factor the following:4(a-b)²-12(a-b)(e+9e²)
Factor the following:4a-16b+4a+1.
Find the equation of the ruled surface whose generators are the system of the lines x-2y =4kx,k(x-2y)=4 and discuss the surface.
曲线2y2 + 3x + 3 = 0与曲线x2 + y2 - 4x - 5 = 0 的公共点的个数是【 】
设二次函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a>0),方程f(x) - x=0的两个根x1,x2满足0<x1<x2<1/a.(Ⅰ)当x∈(0,x1 )时,证明x<f(x)<x1;(Ⅱ)设函数f(x)的图像关于直线x=x0对称,证明x0<x1/2.
有二位数字之数,其数等于各位数字之和之五倍,又此数加 9,则此数数字之顺序颠倒,求此数.
求解 (4x-17)/(x-4)+(10x-13)/(2x-3)=(8x-30)/(2x-7)+(5x-4)/(x-1)
二水管齐开需72/7点钟装满一水池,若大管独开则较小管独开所需之时少 6点钟,试求每水管独开需若干点钟可装满此水池。
设函数 f(x) = x3 − 1/x3 , 则 f(x)【 】
已知函数 f(x) = 2ln x + 1.(1) 若 f(x) ⩽ 2x + c, 求 c 的取值范围;(2) 设 a > 0, 讨论函数 g(x) = (f(x)-f(a))/(x-a) 的单调性.
已知函数 f(x) = x3 − kx + k2.(1) 讨论 f(x) 的单调性;(2) 若 f(x) 有三个零点, 求 k 的取值范围.
若定义在 R 的奇函数 f(x) 在 (−∞, 0) 单调递减, 且 f(2) = 0, 则满足 xf(x − 1) ⩾ 0 的 x 的取值范围是【 】
函数 y=4x/(x2+1)的图象大致为【 】
设 a ∈ R, 若存在定义域为 R 的函数 f(x) 满足: ① 对任意 x0 ∈ R, f(x0) 的值为 x02 或 x0; ② 关于 x 的方程 f(x) = a 无实数解. 则 a 的取值范围是_______________.
已知 y = f(x) 是奇函数, 当 x ⩾ 0 时, f(x) = x2/3 , 则 f(−8) 的值是______.