
已知点A(2,1)在双曲线C:x2/a2 -y2/(a2-1)=1(a>1)上,直线l交C于P,Q两点,直线AP,AQ的斜率之和为0.




(1)因为点A(2,1)在双曲线C:x2/a2 -y2/(a2-1)=1(a>1)上,所以4/a2 -1/(a2-1)=1,解得 ,即双曲线C:x2/2-y2=1易知直线l的斜率存在,设l:y=kx+m, ,联立可得,(1-2k2 ) x2-4mkx-2m2-2=0,所以,x1+x2=-4mk/(2k2-1),x1 x2=(2m2+2)/(2k2-1),Δ=16m2 k2+4(2m2+2)(2k2-1)>0⇒m2-1+2k2>0.所以由kAP+kBP=0可得,(y2-1)/(x2-2)+(y1-1)/(x1-2)=0,即(x1-2)(kx2+m-1)+(x2-2)(kx1+m-1)=0,即2kx1 x2+(m-1-2k)(x1+x2 )-4(m-1)=0,所以2k×(2m2+2)/(2k2-1)+(m-1-2k)(-4mk/(2k2-1))-4(m-1)=0,化简得,8k2+4k-4+4m(k+1)=0,即(k+1...



在△ABC中,已知B=120°,AC=,AB=2,则BC=【 】



已知圆C:x2+y2=4,直线L:y=kx+m,则当k的值发生变化时,直线被圆C所截的弦长的最小值为1,则m的取值为【 】



在△ABC中,点D在边AB上,BD=2DA.记=m,=n,则=【 】

设二斜交轴 x 与y 交角为 θ,作一圆使通过 x 轴上之二定点 (a²,0),(b²,0)且与 y 轴相切,求此圆之方程式.

A tower of 20.7 feet high stands at the edge of the water on a bank of a river. From a point directly opposite to the tower on the other side of the river above the water, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 27°17' and the angle of depression of the image of its top in the water is 38°12'. Find the width of the river.

Two towers, A and B, on the shore of a lake can be observed from only one point C on the opposite shore. The lines joining the bases of two towers subtend anangle of 63°42' at C. The heights of the towers are 132 feet and 89 feet, and the angle of elevation of the tops as seen from C are 8°13' and 7°21' respectively.Find the distance AB.