
某人在高处望见正东海面上一船首,其俯角为 30°,当船向正南行 a 里后,求得船首俯角为 15°,问此人之视点高出海面若干?





Find the locus of point which moves so that the sum of its distance from the points (-7, 4) and (9, 4) is always 20 units. Determine the center, foci, vertices,axis and eccentricity. Locate all points.

Show that the tangents to the parabola y² = 4px at the extremities of the latus return are perpendicular and meet at the intersection of the directrix with a-axis.

Show that the tangent to a hyperbola makes equal angles with the focal radii drawn to the point of tangency.

Find the distance from the point (-1, -4) to the straight line which is drawn through (-2,6) and the perpendicular to the line joining (3,6) and (-5,-1).

Two towers, A and B, on the shore of a lake can be observed from only one point C on the opposite shore. The lines joining the bases of two towers subtend anangle of 63°42' at C. The heights of the towers are 132 feet and 89 feet, and the angle of elevation of the tops as seen from C are 8°13' and 7°21' respectively.Find the distance AB.

The sides of a triangle are 149,163 and 222. To find(1) The area of the triangle.(2) The radius of the inscribed circle.(3) The angles of the triangle.

A tower of 20.7 feet high stands at the edge of the water on a bank of a river. From a point directly opposite to the tower on the other side of the river above the water, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 27°17' and the angle of depression of the image of its top in the water is 38°12'. Find the width of the river.

The base of a right circular cone has a diameter of 25 feet and its slant height is 40 feet. The surface of the cone is cut along a straight line from its vertex to a point on the base, and the surface is then spread out flat to form a sector of a circle. Find the angle of its sector in degrees.

Solve secx - cotx = cscx - tanx


在△ABC中,已知B=120°,AC=,AB=2,则BC=【 】



在△ABC中,已知a=3,b=2c.(1)若A=2π/3,求S△ABC.(2) 若2sinB-sinC=1,求C△ABC.

已知长方形的四个顶点A(0,0),B(2,0),C(2,1)和D(0,1).一质点从AB的中点P_0沿与AB夹角为θ的方向射到BC上的点P1后,依次反射到CD,DA和AB上的点P2,P3和P4(入射角等于反射角).设P4的坐标为(x4,0).若1<x4<2,则tanθ的取值范围是【 】


于正东正南甲乙二地,测得某山之仰角为 45°及 30°,今甲乙两地之距离为2400 尺,求山高.

设自 A 地量得敌人炮台所在地 B 及另一地 C 间之角 ∠ABC 为 70°20',自C 地量得 ∠ACB 为 62°50',且量得 AC 两地之距离为 10.6 公里问 A 地至敌人炮台之距离为若干?(sin62°50'= 0.8897;cos70°20' =0.3365)

两树相距 50 尺,在此树距地 5 尺处观他树之树顶与树根适成 90°之角,又观他树顶之仰角为 60°,求他树之高.