





Find all the groups of positive integers (a,b,p) satisfying p is a prime number and ap=b!+p.译文:求所有正整数组(a,b,p),满足:p为素数且ap=b!+p.




323 与 221 之最大公约数为______.



Given a positive integer n, a set S is n-admissible if①each element of S is an unordered triple of integers in {1,2,⋯,n},②|S|=n-2,and③for each 1≤k≤n-2 and each choice of k distinct A1,A2,⋯,Ak∈S,|A1∪A2∪⋯∪Ak |≥k+2Is it true that, for all n>3 and for each n-admissible set S, there exist pairwise distinct points P1,P2,⋯,Pn in the plane such that the angles of the triangle Pi Pj Pk are all less than 61° for any triple {i,j,k} in S?【译】给定正整数n,称集合S是n-可行,如果其满足以下条件:①S的每个元素都是{1,2,⋯,n}的三元子集;②|S|=n-2;③对任意的1≤k≤n-2和任意k个互不相同的A1,A2,⋯,Ak∈S,都有|A1∪A2∪⋯∪Ak |≥k+2判断以下命题是否为真:对所有n>3和所有的n-可行集合S,在平面内总存在n个互不相同的点P1,P2,⋯,Pn,使得对集合S中任意元素{i,j,k},三角形Pi Pj Pk的每个内角都小于61°.

有一叠n>1 张卡片.在每张卡片上写有一个正整数.这叠卡片具有如下性质:其中任意两张上的数的算术平均值也等于这叠卡片中某一张或几张卡片上的数的几何平均值.确定所有的n,使得可以推出所有卡片上的数均相等.(爱沙尼亚供题)

The real numbers a,b,c,d are such that a≥b≥c≥d>0 and a+b+c+d=1.Prove that (a+2b+3c+4d)aabbccdd<1.设实数a、b、c、d满足 a≥b≥c≥d>0 ,且 a+b+c+d=1 . 证明:(a+2b+3c+4d)aabbccdd<1.(比利时供题)


给定整数k≥2.求所有无穷正整数数列a1,a2,⋯,使得存在多项式P(x)=xk+ck-1 xk-1+⋯+c1 x+c0其中c0,c1,⋯,ck-1是非负整数,满足P(an )=an+1 an+2⋯an+k对任意正整数n成立.

The Bank of Oslo issues two types of coin:aluminium(denoted A) and bronze(denoted B). Marianne has n aluminium coins and n bronze coins, arranged in a row in some arbitrary initial order.A chain is any subsequence of consecutive coins of the same type.Given a fixed positive integer k<2n, Marianne repeatedly performs the following operation:she identifies the longest chain containing the kth coin from the left and moves all coins in that chain to the left end of the row.For example, if n = 4 and k=4 the process starting from the ordering AABBBABA would beAABBBABA→BBBAAABA→AAABBBBA→BBBBAAAA.Find all pairs (n, k) with 1 ≤ k ≤2n such that for every initial ordering at some moment during the process,the leftmost n coins will all be of the same type. 译文:奥斯陆银行发行了两种货币:铝币(记为A)和铜币(记为B).玛丽安有n枚铝币和n枚铜币,以任意初始方式排成一排。定义一条链为任意由相同类型货币构成的连续子列。给定正整数k<2n,玛丽安重复地进行如下操作:她找出包含(从左到右)第k枚硬币的最长链,然后把该链中所有货币移到序列最左端。例如,n=4,k=4时,对于初始序列 AABBBABA,过程如下:AABBBABA→BBBAAABA→AAABBBBA→BBBBAAAA.求所有满足1≤k≤2n的数组(n,k),使得对任意初始序列,都可以在有限次操作内使左端为n枚相同的货币。

Let k be a positive integer and let S be a finite set of odd prime numbers. Prove that there is at most one way (up to rotation and refection) to place the elements of S around a circle such that the product of any two neighbours is of the form x2+x+k for some positive integer x. 译文:给定正整数 k,S是一个由有限个奇素数构成的集合.证明:至多只有一种方式(旋转或对称后相同视为同种方式)可以将S中的元素排成一个圆周,且满足任意两个相邻元素的乘积均可以写成x2+x+k的形式 (其中x为正整数) .

两只松鼠B和J为过冬收集了2021枚核桃. J将核桃依次编号为1到2021,并在它们最喜欢的树周围挖了一圈共2021个小坑.第二天早上, J发现B已经在每个小坑里放入了一枚核桃,但并未注意编号.不开心的J决定用2021次操作来改变这些核桃的位置.在第k次操作中把与第k号核桃相邻的两枚核桃交换位置.证明:存在某个λ,使得在第k次操作中, J交换了两枚编号为a和b的核桃,且a<k<b.


Let R+ denote the set of positive real numbers. Find all functions f:R⟶R such that for each x∈R+, there is exactly one y∈R+ satisfying:xf(y)+yf(x)≤2.译文:设R+表示所有正实数构成的集合.求所有函数f:R+→R+,使得对任意x∈R+,恰好有一个y∈R+满足条件:xf(y)+yf(x)≤2.


Determine all composite integers n>1 that satisfy the following property:if d1,d2,⋯,dk are all the positive divisors of n with 1=d1<d2<⋯<dk=n, then di divides di+1+di+2 for every 1≤i≤k-2.译文:设1=d1<d2<⋯<dk=n是合数n的全部正因数,若对任意1≤i≤k-2,有di |di+1+di+2,求n.