
由数字0,1,2,3,4,5组成没有重复数字的六位数,其中个位数字小于十位数字的共有【 】个。








在一块并排10垄的田地中,选择2垄分别种植A、B两种作物, 每种作物种植一垄.为有利于作物生长,要求A、B两种作物的间隔不小于6垄,则不同的选垄方法共有________种(用数字作答).

甲乙丙丁戊5名同学站成一排参加文艺汇演,若甲不站在两端,丙和丁相邻的不同排列方式有【 】


快递员收到 3 个同城快递任务,取送地点各不相同,取送件可穿插进行,不同的取送方式有【 】种。

Let n be a positive integer. Initially, a bishop is placed in each square of the top row of a 2n×2n chessboard; those bishops are numbered from 1 to 2n ,from left to right. A jump is a simultaneous move made by all bishops such that the following conditions are satisfied:each bishop moves diagonally, in a straight line, some number of squares, andat the end of the jump, the bishops all stand in different squares of the same row.Find the total number of permutations σ of the numbers 1,2,⋯,2n with the following property: There exists a sequence of jumps such that all bishops end up on the bottom row arranged in the order σ(1),σ(2),⋯,σ(2n ), from left to right.【译】设n是正整数.最开始在一个2n×2n的方格棋盘上的第一行的每个小方格内均放置一枚“象”,这些“象”从左到右依次编号:1,2,⋯,2n.定义一次“跳跃”操作为同时移动所有的“象”并满足如下条件:每一枚“象”可沿对角线方向移动任意方格;在这次“跳跃”操作结束时,所有的“象”恰在同一行的不同方格.求满足下列条件的数1,2,⋯,2n的排列σ的总个数:存在一系列的“跳跃”操作,使得结束时所有的“象”都在棋盘的最后一行,并且从左到右编号依次为:σ(1),σ(2),⋯,σ(2n ).

设 A 是一个三阶方阵,其元素为 1,2,…,9,且满足每行元素从左到右递增,每列元素从上到下递增,则满足条件的 A 有______个.



A,B,C,D,E五人并排站成一排,如果B必须站在A的右边(A,B可以不相邻),那么不同的排法共有【 】种.

The Bank of Oslo issues two types of coin:aluminium(denoted A) and bronze(denoted B). Marianne has n aluminium coins and n bronze coins, arranged in a row in some arbitrary initial order.A chain is any subsequence of consecutive coins of the same type.Given a fixed positive integer k<2n, Marianne repeatedly performs the following operation:she identifies the longest chain containing the kth coin from the left and moves all coins in that chain to the left end of the row.For example, if n = 4 and k=4 the process starting from the ordering AABBBABA would beAABBBABA→BBBAAABA→AAABBBBA→BBBBAAAA.Find all pairs (n, k) with 1 ≤ k ≤2n such that for every initial ordering at some moment during the process,the leftmost n coins will all be of the same type. 译文:奥斯陆银行发行了两种货币:铝币(记为A)和铜币(记为B).玛丽安有n枚铝币和n枚铜币,以任意初始方式排成一排。定义一条链为任意由相同类型货币构成的连续子列。给定正整数k<2n,玛丽安重复地进行如下操作:她找出包含(从左到右)第k枚硬币的最长链,然后把该链中所有货币移到序列最左端。例如,n=4,k=4时,对于初始序列 AABBBABA,过程如下:AABBBABA→BBBAAABA→AAABBBBA→BBBBAAAA.求所有满足1≤k≤2n的数组(n,k),使得对任意初始序列,都可以在有限次操作内使左端为n枚相同的货币。