

(a+b)n=an+nan-1 b+⋯+n(n-1)⋯(n-r+1)/r! an-r br+⋯+bn




甲乙丙丁戊5名同学站成一排参加文艺汇演,若甲不站在两端,丙和丁相邻的不同排列方式有【 】


The Bank of Oslo issues two types of coin:aluminium(denoted A) and bronze(denoted B). Marianne has n aluminium coins and n bronze coins, arranged in a row in some arbitrary initial order.A chain is any subsequence of consecutive coins of the same type.Given a fixed positive integer k<2n, Marianne repeatedly performs the following operation:she identifies the longest chain containing the kth coin from the left and moves all coins in that chain to the left end of the row.For example, if n = 4 and k=4 the process starting from the ordering AABBBABA would beAABBBABA→BBBAAABA→AAABBBBA→BBBBAAAA.Find all pairs (n, k) with 1 ≤ k ≤2n such that for every initial ordering at some moment during the process,the leftmost n coins will all be of the same type. 译文:奥斯陆银行发行了两种货币:铝币(记为A)和铜币(记为B).玛丽安有n枚铝币和n枚铜币,以任意初始方式排成一排。定义一条链为任意由相同类型货币构成的连续子列。给定正整数k<2n,玛丽安重复地进行如下操作:她找出包含(从左到右)第k枚硬币的最长链,然后把该链中所有货币移到序列最左端。例如,n=4,k=4时,对于初始序列 AABBBABA,过程如下:AABBBABA→BBBAAABA→AAABBBBA→BBBBAAAA.求所有满足1≤k≤2n的数组(n,k),使得对任意初始序列,都可以在有限次操作内使左端为n枚相同的货币。




在(x3+3)5的展开式中,x9项的系数为【 】

从数字1,2,3,4,5可重复地选出4个,能排列成多少个大于4000的奇数【 】


快递员收到 3 个同城快递任务,取送地点各不相同,取送件可穿插进行,不同的取送方式有【 】种。

给定整数n≥2,设M0 (x0,y0)是抛物线y2=nx-1与直线y=x的一个交点.试证明对任意正整数m,必存在整数k≥2,使(x0m,y0m)为抛物线y2=kx-1与直线y=x的一个交点.


用数学归纳法证明下列恒等式 1³+2³+3³+⋯+n³=[n(n+1)/2]²

用数学归纳法求下列级数1/(1×2)+1/(2×3 )+1/(3×4)+⋯至n项之和.

Let k be a positive integer and let S be a finite set of odd prime numbers. Prove that there is at most one way (up to rotation and refection) to place the elements of S around a circle such that the product of any two neighbours is of the form x2+x+k for some positive integer x. 译文:给定正整数 k,S是一个由有限个奇素数构成的集合.证明:至多只有一种方式(旋转或对称后相同视为同种方式)可以将S中的元素排成一个圆周,且满足任意两个相邻元素的乘积均可以写成x2+x+k的形式 (其中x为正整数) .

设a>2,给定数列{xn},其中x1 = a,xn+1=(xn2)/(2(xn-1)) (n=1,2,…),求证:(1) xn>2,且xn+1/xn < 1(n=1,2,…);(2) 如果a≤3,那么xn ≤ 2+1/2n-1 (n=1,2,…);(3) 如果a>3,那么当n ≥ (lga/3)/(lg4/3)时,必有xn+1<3.

设f(x)=lg (1+2x+⋯+(n-1)x+nx a)/n,其中a是实数,n是任意给定的自然数且n≥2.(Ⅰ)如果f(x)当x∈(-∞,1]时有意义,求a的取值范围;(Ⅱ)如果a∈(0,1],证明:2f(x)<f(2x)当x≠0时成立.

正实数x,y,z,w满足x≥y≥w,且x+y≤2(w+z),求 + 的最小值.

已知x,y,z>0,判断s=x/(x+y) + y/(y+z) + z/(z+x) 是否存在最大值与最小值.

某日温度华氏与摄氏之比若 13:4,问华氏几度?