Two straight roads intersect at an angle of 30°. If two automobiles start at the same time at the junction, one at the rate of 60 miles an hour and the other atthe rate of 40 miles an hour, how far apart will they be in 15 minutes?
Two straight roads intersect at an angle of 30°. If two automobiles start at the same time at the junction, one at the rate of 60 miles an hour and the other atthe rate of 40 miles an hour, how far apart will they be in 15 minutes?
路旁有塔 CD,塔底 D 与路最近处为路上之 A 点.于路上 B 点测得塔顶 C之仰角为 α,又测得 BC 与路成角β .已知 AD =l,求塔高.
已知角 A 及角内一点 P,求作过 P 点的直线,使其在 A 角内之部分被 P 点平分.
一定点 D在 AB 及 AC 两直线间,求作过 D至 AB、AC 两线之直线,并 D为所作线之三等分点之一点,并证有二此等线.
试讨论方程y=x(x²-1)之图形:i) 对于原点、x轴、y轴对称否.ii) 与x轴之交点如何? 并作图.
i) 设直线ax+by+c=0,经过点(5,-4).求其系数a,b,c须满足的条件.ii)设直线ax+by+c=0,至原点之距离为 1,求其系数a,b,c须满足的条件.