一定点 D在 AB 及 AC 两直线间,求作过 D至 AB、AC 两线之直线,并 D为所作线之三等分点之一点,并证有二此等线.
设A,B,C 为一三角形之三角,试证 sin²A+sin²B+sin²C = 2+2cosAcosBcosC.
一坐自行车者以平均速度行过 180 哩,设彼每小时迟行三哩,则行此路程须多加三小时,问其速度若何?
解方程,(a² - b²)(x² - 1) = 4abx
Evaluate the determinant.
Find the area bounded by the curves.y = sinx of y = 1/2sinx between x = 0 and x = π.
ABCD is a rectangle. and a straight line APQ cuts BC in P & DC extended in Q. Locate the point P so that the sum of the areas of the two triangles ABP&CPO may be a minimum.
Reduce the hyperbola 4x² - 9y² - 24x + 36y - 36 = 0 to standard form.
Twos tations,A and B on opposite side of a mountain, are both visible from a third station C. The distance AC=3m.CB=5m and the angle ACB=60°. Find the distance between A and B.
Two straight roads intersect at an angle of 30°. If two automobiles start at the same time at the junction, one at the rate of 60 miles an hour and the other atthe rate of 40 miles an hour, how far apart will they be in 15 minutes?
路旁有塔 CD,塔底 D 与路最近处为路上之 A 点.于路上 B 点测得塔顶 C之仰角为 α,又测得 BC 与路成角β .已知 AD =l,求塔高.
已知角 A 及角内一点 P,求作过 P 点的直线,使其在 A 角内之部分被 P 点平分.
Given ∠1=∠2,a,b,c,find d.
试证2arctg 1/3+arctg 1/7=45°.
If two circles tangent at C and a common exterior tangent touches the circles in A and B, the angle ACB is a right angle.
求内接于圆之 正六角形与外切正三角形之面积之比.
两圆相外切 (tangent externally) 于 A,又有一外公切线 (common external tangent) 切两圆于 B 及 C,试证 ∠BAC 为直角(right angle).
设 △ABC 是一个圆的内接三角形,过 A 作切线交于 BC 的延长线于 D.证明 △ABD,△ACD 的外接圆直径的比等于 AD:CD.
自 △ABC 的顶点 A 至对边作垂线,自垂足 D 作 AB、AC 过之垂线,其垂足为 E、F,证明 B,E,F,C 共圆.
于任意 △ABC 之各边上向外作等边三角形 BCD,CAE 及 ABF,试证此诸等边三角形的外接圆共点.若此点为 P,则 PA+PB + PC =AD =BE =CF.