
设有一三角形,其底为 7 cm,高为 5 cm,用圆规及尺作一正方形,其面积与此相等者.





如图,在三角形ABC中∠BAC=60°,BD平分∠ABC,交AC于D,CE平分∠ACB交AB于E,BD和CE交于F,则∠EFB=【 】

设 AD 为 ∠ABC 之中线;∠ADB 之平分线交 AB 于E,∠ADC 之平分线交AC 于F,试证 EF// BC.


△ABC 之边 AC 之三等分点之中,设近于 A 之点为 D,而 BC 之中点为 E时,则 AE 为 BD 所二等分.

试证: 直角三角形之弦上正方形之面积,与其他两边之平方形面积之和相等.

Consider the convex quadrilateral ABCD. The point P is in the interior of ABCD. The following ratio equalities hod:∠PAD:∠PBA:∠DPA=1:2:3=∠CBP:∠BAP:∠BPC.Prove that the following three lines meet in a point : the internal bisectors of angles ∠ADP and ∠PCB and the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.设P是凸四边形ABCD内部一点,且满足:∠PAD:∠PBA:∠DPA=1:2:3=∠CBP:∠BAP:∠BPC.证明:∠ADP的内角平分线、∠PCB的内角平分线和线段AB的中垂线,三线共点。 (波兰供题)




Suppose a convex pentagon ABCDE such that BC=DE.If there exists a point T inside ABCDE suchthat TB=TD TC=TE and ∠ABT=∠TEA. AB meet CD and CT at point P and Q respectively, withP,B,A,Q in this order on the same line. AE meet CD and DT at point R and S respectively, with R,E,A,S in this order on the same line.Prove that P,S,Q,R are on the same circle.译文:设凸五边形ABCDE满足BC=DE.若在ABCDE内存在一点T使得TB=TD,TC=TE且∠ABT= ∠TEA.直线AB分别与直线CD和CT交于点P和Q,且P,B,A,Q在同一直线上按此顺序排列;直线AE分别与直线CD和DT交于点R和S,且R,E,A,S在同一直线上按此顺序排列.证明:P,S,Q,R 四点共圆.



如图所示,四边形ABCD内接于圆,(AB) ̅=5,(AC) ̅=3√5,(AD) ̅=7,∠BAC=∠CAD,则圆的半径为【 】


Homologous sides of two similar polygons have the ratio of 5 to 9 , the sum of the areas is 212 sq. ft. Find the area of each figure.

Twos tations,A and B on opposite side of a mountain, are both visible from a third station C. The distance AC=3m.CB=5m and the angle ACB=60°. Find the distance between A and B.


求内接于圆之 正六角形与外切正三角形之面积之比.

Two straight roads intersect at an angle of 30°. If two automobiles start at the same time at the junction, one at the rate of 60 miles an hour and the other atthe rate of 40 miles an hour, how far apart will they be in 15 minutes?